With this software package you receive the programmes "Brandschutzordnung 2024" as well as "Brandschutznachweis 2024".
Brandschutzordnung 2024 supports the user in creating the Fire Protection Regulations Part A, Part B and Part C. The user is guided through the programme by the structure specified in DIN 14096. The user is guided through the programme on the basis of the structure specified by DIN 14096. Text modules are suggested from which one can choose and which can be tailored to the respective company. A comprehensive symbol library makes it possible to integrate fire protection, danger, prohibition and rescue signs into the fire protection regulations.
With this programme, those responsible receive a user-friendly tool that enables them to fulfil their fire protection obligations.
With Brandschutznachweis 2024 software is available that helps you to quickly and efficiently create fire protection certificates for all federal states. The software includes verifications by building class and for regulated special buildings. In addition, "Brandschutznachweis 2024" also includes a separate module that can be used to process complex verifications according to the model industrial building guideline.