Project-Manager 2025

In addition to costs, deadlines are one of the neuralgic points in the realisation of construction projects. The Projekt-Manager 2025 enables tighter planning, construction and assembly times. The programme clearly displays work processes and interdependencies in the form of bar charts, structure plans or network plans, optimising the use of resources and highlighting bottlenecks. By linking individual processes and defining their time dependencies, it is possible to quickly and accurately calculate the impact of postponing one or more tasks on subsequent deadlines. Bar charts can also be used to optimise the use of personnel, vehicles or equipment. As a result, Projekt-Manager can be used for external coordination of project participants and trades on site, as well as for internal office staff and resource planning.

Single-user version

For use on one PC. With local data storage and possibility of data backup in the network.

Network version

For use on multiple PCs according to the licenses purchased. With central data storage and data backup.


Online Version des Projekt-Managers
