Projekt-Manager 2025 and Bautagebuch 2025 incl. Defect Management.
In addition to costs, deadlines are among the neuralgic points in connection with the realization of construction projects. Project Manager 2025 enables tighter planning and construction and assembly times. To this end, the program clearly displays work sequences and interdependencies in the form of bar, structure or network plans, optimizes the use of resources and identifies bottlenecks. If the individual processes are linked and their time dependencies defined, it is possible to quickly and accurately calculate the consequences of the postponement of one or more trades on subsequent deadlines. The utilization of personnel, vehicles or equipment can also be optimized with the help of Gantt charts. Therefore, the project manager can be used both for the external coordination of project participants and trades on the construction site, as well as for the in-house personnel and resource planning.
Bautagebuch 2025 is a program for comprehensive documentation of the construction process as well as for the creation and management of construction diaries and construction site reports. The clearly arranged structure, the easy handling and the possibility to adapt the program to the individual needs of the user make the software a valuable tool in the daily work.
&Uml;via the optional module Defect Management you can not only record the defects in the construction diary, but also manage them comprehensively. You can assign individual defects to floor plans and other plans to locate them. Incl. App for Android and iOS.