Projekt-Manager 2025 CS and SiGe-Manager 2025 CS.
In addition to costs, deadlines are among the neuralgic points in connection with the realization of construction projects. Projekt-Manager 2025 enables tighter planning and construction and assembly times. To this end, the program clearly displays work sequences and interdependencies in the form of bar, structure or network plans, optimizes the use of resources and identifies bottlenecks. If the individual processes are linked and their time dependencies defined, it is possible to quickly and accurately calculate the consequences of the postponement of one or more trades on subsequent deadlines. Bar charts can also be used to optimize the utilization of personnel, vehicles or equipment. Therefore, the project manager can be used both for the external coordination of project participants and trades on the construction site, as well as for the office-internal personnel and resource planning.
With SiGe-Manager 2025 the creation of SiGe plans is uncomplicated and efficient. After entering the general information, you create the preliminary notice or the document for later work with a click of the mouse. The actual SiGe plan can be generated in tabular or graphical form. The integrated hazard catalog for building construction, civil engineering and finishing contains all trades as well as the associated hazards, solutions, rules and regulations. Hazards can be transferred to the SiGe plan at the click of a mouse. For SiGe-Manager 2025, the hazard catalog has been completely revised and is clearer and more effective, because the more precisely and accurately real safety hazards are described, the more likely SiGe plans will be accepted and implemented.
A module for the automatic generation of a construction site regulation including project data, table of contents, outline and symbols is particularly worth mentioning. In addition, the program includes numerous additional functions such as templates, laws, checklists for construction site inspection, a module for the automatic generation of a construction site regulation and a free app with hazard catalog.