"Find documents instead of searching for them"
"Weise-DMS 2025" supports companies in filing in conformity with auditing standards, standardises and structures workflows and creates the technical prerequisites for meeting legal requirements (GoBD, GDPdU and DSGVO). Both the setup and the operation and user guidance of the software are simple and intuitive.
Features and special features
Easy and intuitive to use.
revision-compliant filing
Individually definable.
Document types
Document status
Any number of sources (scanner, folder, email)
classification via individual markers
extensive search functions
automatic and manual keywording
Text recognition (OCR)
Full text search
User management
Data backup
Definition of own additional data fields
Definition of own folder structures
Digital files
Graphical workflow editor
Preview function for documents and workflows
Re-submission option
Connection to the project control centre and Weise-Control.
- Floating licence for network versions